Upcoming beginning masters changes

After Memorial Day, the beginning masters class will be changing up a little.

Location — will be changing from the Rec Center to Centennial Pool.

Days — will be changing from Monday/Wednesday to Tuesday/Thursday.

Time — will be changing from 6 – 7 pm to 5 – 6 pm.

*whew* — That’s a lot.

Cost — remains the same. $10 resident / $12.50 non-resident.

Current location / days / time remain the same through the last week of May.

Happy Turkey Day

I needed some inspiration for this morning’s workout, so I lifted one posted on swimswam.com a few years ago by the Walnut Creek Masters

The whole thing adds up to 4500 yards, so some cutting was required. Everyone saved room for pie!

No morning masters on Friday, but we’re back on track Saurday.